Friday 11 October 2013

Rise Of The Guardians Concept Art

After reading my OGR I think I need to rethink how I am approaching this project with terms of style and environment design. Therefore I am looking at different ways to paint landscapes within animation as it defers from film and games tremendously. Here is a selection of concept art that I found inspiring. The use of colour within these work is amazing.

 I feel that these in particular show that you don't need to detail everything to get a sense of the environment. When working on my thumbnails and even final images I might try this approach.

Here are some beautiful uses of colour in the scene, with really punchy colour pallets where in comparison to others this seems a lot more like an animation set rather than a film or a game environment.

 Here are some more stylistic concept paintings for the same film, they both give a good sense of atmosphere in there paintings. It's also interesting to see how they go from bloack and white to colour, but they managed to get rich looking colours, hopefully with practice I can get something looking like these for my final presentation.

I would post them all but I don't want to flood you with them, here is the link if anyone is interested in seeing more :) :

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