Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Further Development 2

After not doing so well at uni today on the painting, I decided to do another quick painting. I'm trying to do these each day to keep the designs different and to open up a lot of ideas for my final scenes.

I painted this straight into colour trying to keep the colours punchy and yet have a sinister feel to the image. I still feel like it seems a bit too flat and less painterly than I would of liked it. I think this is because I used a masking technique when painting this and it has given it more of a graphic style.

After painting it, I turned it into a grey scale image to check the values and done a bunch of colour comps to see what I would go onto I was to take it further. I would choose number 8 and play around with the colour a bit more adding in some variety. Overall I'm happier with these compared to my previous today :). Although it still seems too whimsy for Poe's writing, so I am going to have a look on how to approach a less whimsy outcome. Maybe changing the style of the original drawing and to use mark marking to signify the harshness of the environment? Although in the previous post 'Alice Madness Returns' captures the sinister feeling within the image whilst still maintaining the style that I seem to be approaching:

 Like in this image. I think its mainly my use of colour and lighting that needs to change to capture the monstrous feeling of the house in the environment.

When looking at 'The Pit and The Pendulum' I think I may take this approach as a red colour pallette to help signify a sense of danger, although if I can grasp the lighting and colouring techniques then I might re-consider my approach towards 'The Pit and The Pendulum'.


  1. I LOVE this latest painting, Ant - well done for pushing yourself :)

  2. Yep Ant, completely agree....great development in this piece. It has a style that does so much for the tone and the colours are a huge step forward. Keep pushing this more stylised and illustrative tone :)

    1. Ahh it's good see I'm heading somewhere at last :) thanks

  3. oh - picky I know - but watch your spelling; you've got 'developement' in your post-title, as opposed to 'development'.

    1. oohh whoops! :/ I'll change it.

    2. Oh a quick question Phil, the final paintings, do they have to be landscape or can they be portrait like these?
