Monday, 11 November 2013

John Lewis: 'The Bear & The Hare' - The Making Of'

John Lewis 'The Bear & The Hare' - The Making Of from Blink on Vimeo.

For those who haven't seen the making of 'The Bear and The Hare'. Aaron Blaise is a fantastic animator and painter you should look him up if you haven't heard of him. He shares his animation tips on his YouTube and a website full of his prints, very inspirational. It is a very charming video and I've always wanted to create my own set full of miniatures and hand animate a scene like this, maybe one day :). Plus it's always good to see that 2d traditional animation is still appreciated within the industry :).

Source: - [video_clip];  John Lewis 'The Bear & The Hare' - The Making Of' [Accessed:11/11/2013]